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Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand

Posted by on December 21, 2013

One of New Zealand’s big attractions is the south island’s Franz Josef Glacier. If you’ve got several hundred dollars, you can take a helicopter to the glacier and walk around on it. Or, if you’re like me and my three travelmates and on a budget, the alternative is to walk to the lookout about 500 meters shy of the glacier. The short walk is on a gravel path past waterfalls and moss covered rocks.



Helpful signs remind you to avoid getting killed by falling ice and falling rocks.


It’s frustratingly difficult to get a semi decent photo as the glacier is blindingly bright and the mountains it has nestled between are a stark gray, but the view in person is awfully impressive.


Close up.


For a bit of perspective on Franz Josef’s size, note the 3 people standing near the base of the glacier.


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